Traumatized by the Mandate: Members' Testimonials
No More Mandates! / Traumatized by the Mandate
This page presents testimonials of members who suffered from the mandatory vaccination policy (the Mandate). I received plenty of these. Here are a few - to raise awareness about the issue and to help the Union to prioritize its actions accordingly.
My name is XXXX and I'm with YYYY, fifteen years with GC, member of pipsc
I truly appreciate your work and support. I have been impacted terribly due to the [vaccination] mandate and how the union advocates on behalf of the employer instead of their members. There are hundreds of federal employees across many unions that are owed compensation for being vilified and stripped of all sources of income for unknown period of time because they refused to be coerced into medical procedure, the full information about which was not disclosed. During this time, I lost my home, my marriage and at times my sanity/mental health.
Throughout my interactions with PIPSC, I consistently felt unsupported and discouraged from pursuing my grievance. My religious exemption, supported by a notarized affidavit and a letter from my church pastor, was denied, and I was suspended without pay despite working remotely. I felt discriminated against, bullied, vilified, and removed from society with no means to exist. When I sought Union assistance, I was met with responses that mirrored the employer's dismissive stance.
During the period from Nov 15, 2021 to June 2022 I felt extremely depressed, my mental health was at its worst. I was close to ending my life, applied for medical assistance in dying (MAID). The only reason I am alive today is that in June 2022 the MAID program had not yet been approved for individuals with mental health conditions. This approval came three months later and fortunately, by that time, mandates had been suspended, allowing me to go back to work and start living again...
PIPSC has also been totally unhelpful and advocating for the employer instead of their members, totally undermining the fundamental purpose of a union, which is to protect and represent its members' rights. I really don't know how our so-called union reps sleep at night considering how they conduct themselves.
Thank you so much for all your efforts 🙏
Thank you so much for working diligently on improving PIPSC
[Name removed]
Full testimonial is here.
I’m very concerned about the vaccine mandates. Not everyone survived the vaccines. I had a sister who passed away 4 days after taking the vaccine. ... No drugs should be forced upon anyone and the union gave us absolutely no help on this at all...Not only that but now we know they were ineffective at preventing the spread of Covid 19. People died. People lost their jobs over this!! These are dangerous and what the government did was plain irresponsible. Then they told us we would continue working from home and suddenly they want us back to an office using shared desks, no privacy, no peace, and not even working along side our coworkers. ... The union really needs to step up to the government and stop this insanity. I really hope that you can make a difference Dmitry. Best of luck.
[Name removed]
I was hoping you can shed some light on where things stand with the PIPSC Policy grievance. I have gotten nowhere requesting updates from the President's office ... Still no information on when a decision will be made. As a new member of Executive, do you have any information on this? I am no longer a PIPSC member as I was forced out of my position [because of mandate] but would like to see this grievance settled. ... this is totally unacceptable. How can we hold the union to account? I am beyond fed up and would like to wash my hands of the whole thing but without a doubt I feel compensation is due.
[Name removed]
See my communications with PIPSC seeking for help. Instead of helping me, they drugged me into countless emails essentially showing me that PIPSC will not support anyone who questions the reasonableness of Vaccine mandates.
"Dear PIPSC colleagues,
Would it be possible to find out the Union position on this matter (related coercing vaccination and all related damage done)? Are you in a position to help or not?
Do you have any tools (documents, references, cases, notices of liability) that your members can use to:
a) to seek for liabilities from GC for health damages due to vaccine - for those who vaccinated themselves, and
b) to seek for protection from being laid off / suspended - for those who did not ?
I'm somewhat surprised that I dont hear much from Union yet on these (most important of our lifetime) matters."