2025 NCR Council Resolutions

Submitted on March 5, 2025:

Instructions for submitting resolutions (from the Invitation to the NCR Regional Council- APR2025):


It is mandatory that all proposed changes to the NCR By-Laws and Regulations be signed by two members and sent to NCR_Admin@pipsc.ca by March 5th, 2025 before the Council.

By-Law amendments by resolution from the floor of the Council shall not be permitted. Any resolutions submitted from the floor will be dealt with once all other business has been completed.

Cover page

From: Dmitry O. Gorodnichy 

Date: Wed, Mar 5, 2025 at 11:17 PM

Subject: Six Resolutions for 2025 NCR Council
To: <NCR_Admin@pipsc.ca>

Cc: Jacob Beaulieu , Louis-Philippe Durocher

Dear NCR Admin,

Please find attached six resolutions with proposed improvements to the NCR By-Laws for the upcoming NCR Council on April 4-5, 2025.

The undersigned members are listed as the authors; however, please note that over a dozen other NCR members have already expressed their interest in supporting these resolutions.

Should you have any questions or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to reach out to any of us.

Thank you

In solidarity,

Jacob Beaulieu - member

Dmitry Gorodnichy - member  

Louis-Philippe Durocher - member

Resolution ABC-01: NCR Electoral Reform


Be It Resolved That:

Resolution ABC-02: Expanding NCR's Purpose to facilitate the discussion of NCR members concerns 


Be It Resolved That:

NCR Bylaws 3 and 7 be amended as appropriate to explicitly mention as one of the purposes of the NCR and NCR executives is to serve as an enabler for gathering and addressing members' concerns.


The purpose of the NCR shall be to represent PIPSC within the geographic area of the NCR; to provide a forum for the discussion of Institute affairs; to administer this Constitution and the Regulations; to make recommendations to NCR Council, Constituent Bodies and to the Institute on topics or matters within the objectives of the Institute, and to nominate delegates to the Institute AGM and Institute meetings in accordance with the Constitutions and By-Laws of those constituent bodies


and to provide a forum for the discussion of NCR members concerns.


7.1 Purpose 

The National Capital Regional Executive shall be the governing body in the period between NCR Councils.  The functions of the NCR Executive shall be:

Resolution ABC-03: Members Right to Observe NCR Executive Meetings in Person


Be It Resolved That:


Additionally, all members shall have the right to observe NCR Executive meetings in person.
This right does not entitle members to any monetary benefits, including food, incidentals, or other compensations.

Resolution ABC-04: NCR Executive Meeting Agenda and Minutes


Be It Resolved That:

7.7 Meetings 

7.7.1 The Executive shall meet at least four (4) times  a year.  Additional meetings, if warranted, may be called by the Chair.

7.7.2 Meeting agendas will be published within a week, and draft minutes within a month of the meeting date. For each voted motion, the minutes shall include voting records (the names of executives who voted for and against each motion).

Resolution ABC-05 - NCR Election Transparency Improvement 


Be it resolved that:



11.2 Election results be reported to members and will include  total ballots cast, and  the vote tally of each candidate.

Resolution ABC-06: Prohibiting Executive Term Extensions Beyond Elected Mandates


Be It Resolved That:

By-Law 7 - NATIONAL CAPITAL REGIONAL EXECUTIVE shall be amended as follows:

Current Wording:

7.6 Terms of Office

The term of office for Executive members shall be two (2) years.

Amended Wording:

7.6 Terms of Office

The term of office for Executive members shall be two (2) years.


Under no circumstances may an NCR Executives extend the term of any NCR executive member beyond their elected mandate. Once a term has expired, the seat must either remain vacant until a new election is held.